English with conference

English with conference


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1. At the start of the meeting, you have to introduce yourself to each side.

  • Hello, this really is (name) from (business name). I'm contacting with (Name of the individual who joined from his very own shore.). We have (Name, title and person ) calling in from (Within the other side)
  • Shall we be held all on?
  • I'm here. It's (name) in/from Name of meeting place Conference CallPer Company.
  • Can everybody hear me?


2. When it is not clear, let's say it again or slow down.

  • Could you speak slower, please?
  • Can you repeat that, please?
  • Could you explain that differently, please?
  • I didn't catch that, Are you able to explain it diversely?
  • I didn't follow that, Can you repeat that?


3. When talking about the first topic to say at the conference.

  • Right, let's run through the agenda.
  • So, here are point number one.
  • So, let's begin with...
  • We could start with the very first item? Good. (name) will introduce our plans for that merger after which will talk about the implications.
  • So, the first item on the agenda is


4. At the end of the meeting.

  • Finally, just inform me if something is unclear.
  • Thank you all for participating today.
  • Good. I believe we made lots of progress today
  • OK, we are able to finish there. Appreciate contacting.